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Eugene Level 1


Ultimate Eugene Level 18

Star Level: 

Rarity: Normal

Energy Cost: 3

HP: 650 / 715 (Flash)

Power: 390 / 429 (Flash)

Max Limit Break:

Spell: Water/Snowstorm - Power increases by 20%

College: Godef College

Illustrator: Ransu Ye

Intro: Eugene was a victim of an experiment. She escaped from the lab after numerous hardships. She adapted herself to the inactive X substances inside her body by long-term self-healing. She uses a false identity and studies in the Godef College. Nobody else knows what she had experienced.

Obtain: Kindness Draw, Normal Infector drop, and Exploration in some Common and Daily zones.

Ultimate Form

Level: 18 / 18 (Flash) / 40 / 40 (Flash)

HP: 1470 / 1617 / 3100 / 3410

Power: 560 / 616 / 1800 / 1980
