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Ziween Level 1


Ultimate Ziween Level 50

Star-Level: ☆☆☆☆☆

Rarity: Super Rare

Energy Cost: 16

HP: Base - 3410

Power: Base - 2630

Max Limit Break: 4

Spell: Talent: Sandstorm - When the player has higher maximum AP, Power increases by a larger margin.

College: Infector

Illustrator: spirtie

Intro: Ziween and Lois were infected at the same time while they were carrying out a task. It is really pity because Ziween is definitely a mechanic genius.

Obtain: Defeat her during Moonlight Ritual event.

Ultimate Form

Level: 50 / 90

HP: 9000 / 13700

Power: 6650 / 10300
